Saturday, December 27, 2008

LONG run on Jan. 3??

Could someone email me or post a comment regarding the details of the 25/50km ultra-run that is taking place at Kinsmen on Sat. Jan. 3?? I would be interested in doing the shorter one (depending on the weather of course!). Anyone else interested??


Workout - the day after Boxing Day

W.U. 200 swim, 200 pull, 4 x 50 kick, 200 swim

Drill set:
6 x 150 on :15R
odd: 50 FTD/50 6k layout/50 swim
even: 25 head up/25 swim/25 chin-up/25 swim/25 nose-up/25 swim

3 x 600 Broken:
as: 200 pull with paddles on :20R
150 pull no paddles on :20R
100 swim ez on :20R
3 x 50 Fast swim on 1:00/1:15/1:30

2 x 100 ez cooldown (every 3rd length = no free)
(Total: 3700m)

W.U. 200 swim, 200 pull, 4 x 50 kick

Drill set:
4 x 150 on :15R
odd: 50 FTD/50 6k layout/50 swim
even: 25 head up/25 swim/25 chin-up/25 swim/25 nose-up/25 swim

2 x 600 Broken:
as: 200 pull with paddles on :20R
150 pull no paddles on :20R
100 swim ez on :20R
3 x 50 Fast swim on 1:00/1:15/1:30

100 ez cooldown
(Total: 2500m)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Workout - OYO


W.U. 200 swim, 100 kick, 200 pull

6x50 on :10R (kick/swim by 25)
6x50 on :10R (drill/swim by 25) drill = choice
6x50 on :10R (distance per stroke/swim by 25)

4x50 pull on :10R
4x100 pull/paddles on :20R
4x150 swim - strong on :20R
3x200 pull on :30R (paddles optional)

6x100 kick/swim by 50 on :15R (kick = hard)

200 ez cool down
(Total: 4000m)


W.U. 200 swim, 200 pull

6 x 50 on :10R (kick/swim by 25)
6x50 on :10R (drill/swim by 25) drill = choice

2x50 pull on :10R
2x100 pull/paddles on :20R
2x150 swim - strong on :20R
2x200 pull on :30R (paddles optional)

4x100 kick/swim by 50 on :15R(kick = hard)

100 ez cool down
(Total : 2500m)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Workout - on your own

W.U. 200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull

Drill set:
6 x 150 on :20R
odd: 50 single arm, 50 swim, 50 catch-up
even: 50 double finish, 50 swim, 50 FTD

4 x 200 swim descend 1-4 on 3:30/3:45/4:00/ or :30R
*Last one is FAST

4 x 50 kick ez on :10R
200 swim cooldown
(Total: 2700m)

**Feel free to shorten the workout if you like...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Swim Workout - on your own (3 distances)

Regular workout:
W.U. 200 swim, 100 drill, 100 pull

kick set:
5 x 100 on :15R
odd: 50 swim/50 kick (kick = fly)
even: 50 kick/50 swim (kick = breast or free)

M.S. 1000 broken:
200 pull on :30R
4 x 100 IM (fly, back, breast, free) or 25 free/25 no free on :20R
2 x 200 swim on :30R

200 ez cooldown
(Total: 2100m)

LONG workout:
W.U. 200 swim, 200 drill, 200 pull

kick set:
5 x 100 on :15R
odd: 50 kick/50 swim (kick = fly)
even: 50 swim/50 kick (kick = free or breast)

M.S. 2 x 1000 broken:
200 pull on :30R
4 x 100 IM (fly, back, breast, free) or 25 free/25 no free) on :20R
2 x 200 swim on :30R

200 ez cooldown
(Total: 3200m)

LONG LONG Workout:
W.U. 2 X {200 swim, 200 drill, 200 pull

Kick set:
10 x 100 on :15R
odd: 50 kick/50 swim (kick = fly)
even: 50 swim/50 kick (kick = breast or free)

M.S. 2 x 1000 broken
200 pull on :30R
4 x 100 IM on :20R
2 x 200 swim on :30R

200 ez cooldown
(Total = 4400m)

Swimming at Coronation on Tuesday

There is a group of us who will be going to swim at Coronation at 8:30pm on Tuesday (tomorrow). I will post a few workouts later today, including the workout we will be doing tomorrow.

Hope to see some of you there!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fri. Dec.12/Sat. Dec. 13

W.U. 400 swim
2 x 50 kick
200 pull

dr. set:
6 x 75 on :15R

odd: 50 single arm/25 swim

even: 50 back kick/25 back swim


150 pull on :30R, 2 x 50 ez swim on :15R

200 pull on :30R, 2 x 50 ez swim on :15R

250 pull on :30R, 2 x 50 ez swim on :15R

200 pull on :30R, 2 x 50 ez swim on :15R

100 ez cooldown

(total 2500m)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wed. Dec 10/Thurs. Dec 11

15 x 50 on :10R
5- swim
5- kick choice
5 - drill (catch-up and 6k layout)

3 x 100 kick on :15R
3 x 100 swim on :15R
**Work the legs!

Evening group did relays for the rest of the practice, including a fun relay with noodles.

4 x 100 sw desc. 1-4 on 1:50/2:00/2:15
30 sec rest
3 x 100 sw desc 1-3 on 1:50/2:00/2:15
30 sec rest
2 x 100 sw desc 1-2 on 1:50/2:00/2:15
30 sec rest
1 x 100 fast

Cooldown: 150 ez
(Total: 2500m)

Mon.Dec 8/Tues. Dec. 9

W.U. 400 swim
4 x 25 band-only swim on :10R

10 x 75 on :15R
odd: IM (fly, back, breast or back, breast, free)
even: 25 right side kick, 25 left side kick, 25 swim

2 x {4 x 50 sw descend 1-4 on 1:00/1:10/1:20
2 x 200 strong on 3:45/4:00/4:15/:30R (can be swim or pull)

cooldown: 150 ez
(total: 2600m)

Friday, December 5, 2008


1. swim, 2.kick, 3.pull

Drill set:
8x75m :15 sec rest
1. 25 back kick/25back swim/25free
2. 50 one arm drill/25 free

Main Set:
600swim- neg split
1minutes rest
300pull :30 sec
3x100 descend :15 sec

200 (50 free, 50 no free)



hey guys 1000 apologies, I somehow managed to turn my alarm off without getting up this morning (according to lisa who did wake up briefly so i am blaming her)... needless to say I will be setting more than 1 alarm from now on, I'll post the missed workout and also some holiday workouts for people this week as well,


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wed. Dec. 3/Thurs. Dec. 4

200 swim
4 x 50 as 25 kick/25 swim
4 x 100 as 50 drill/50 swim (drill = 6k layout, kickboard touch)

2 sets of {9 x 50 on :15R
3x{ 1. DPS
2. Fast
3. Backstroke

3 x 200 pull on :20R

cooldown: 4 x 50 as 25 back/25 free
Total: 2500m

Mon. Dec. 1/Tues. Dec. 2

W.U. 200 swim
4 x 50 drill/swim by 25 (drill - Single arm)

K. Set:
4 x 150 on :20R
odd: 50 fly kick/50 swim/50 kick choice
even: 50 swim/50 kick/50 swim

M.S. 8 x 25 on :10R
6 x 50 on 1:00/1:10/1:20
4 x 100 on 2:00/2:15/:20R
2 x 200 on 3:45/4:00/:30R
*all as 1 ez, 1 hard, and all swim

200 ez cooldown
(Total: 2500m)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Friday /Saturday Nov. 28th/29th

200 swim- choice
2x50 backstroke
2x50 breast

Drill Set:
4x100m  :20sec
odd: 50 6kick layout/50 swim
even: 25 fingertip/25 fist/50 swim

Main Set:
6x50 :15 sec rest
1and2 DPS
4and5 DPS
200m fast  (right after 50's)
1min rest bnetween sets

2x200 pull

200m half back half free


W/U:  200 swim
150 kick

4/6 x150m  on :15 sec rest
as:  50 fly, 50 kick, 25 breat, 25 swim

Main Set:
4x300m  on :30 sec rest
odd:  pull
even: swim

controlled breathing 1, 3, 5, 7

C/D: 200 swim easy

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Check out the videos on Aussie swim star Grant Hackett...

Click on the videos at the top right side of the page for an example on excellent swimming technique. Note the high elbow catch that he demonstrates perfectly. This is what we are trying to accomplish with our band-only swimming drill. When we talk about high elbow catch and tell you not to lead with your elbows or to drop your elbows, this is what we are talking about. Think about this the next time you are swimming freestyle... Take note of how much water he is 'catching' with each stroke.

Sometimes it becomes much more clear when you can see it being demonstrated!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mon. Nov. 24/Tues. Nov. 25

W.U. 400 SKPD

M.S. 2 x 1000 broken
2 x { 4 x 50 band only on :20R
2 x 100 kick (25 ez/50fast/25 ez) on :20R
3 x 200 desc. 1-3 on :30R (first set swim, second set pull)

100 ez
(Total: 2500m)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fri. Nov. 21/Sat. Nov. 22

***We are still trying to figure out how to post a video on here, that shows excellent swimming technique underwater. Stay tuned....

W.U. 5 x 100
1. swim 2. kick 3. pull 4. swim 5. back/breast

dr. set:
6 x 100 on :20R
odd: 25 back kick/25 back swim/50 swim
even: 25 FTD/25 fist/50 swim

4 x 400
1. swim - build
2. pull
3. 4 x 100 sw desc. 1-4 on :15R
4. 50 free/50 no free (as cooldown)

Total: 2700m

Wed. Nov. 19/Thurs. Nov. 20

Looks like I had the date wrong on the last post for Mon/tues!

W.U. 300 swim - choice
2 x 50 back swim/50 back kick
100 pull

dr. set:
10 x 75 on :20R
odd: 25 FTD/25 fist/25 swim
even: 25 back kick/25 back swim/25 swim

M.S. 1000 broken
2x { 4 x 25 DPS on :10R
4 x 50 desc. 1-4 on :15R
200 pull on 1:00R

cooldown: 100-200 ez

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mon. Nov. 18/Tues. Nov. 19

400 swim

dr. set:
8 x 50 on :10R, as 25 drill/25 swim
odd: armpit touch
even: catch-up

8 x 50 IM order on :15R
1. 25 fly/25 back
2. 25 back/25 breast
3. 25 breast/25 free
4. 50 free

300 pull/bands on :30R
3 x 100 swim desc. 1-3 on 1:50/2:00/2:15/:20R
200 pull/bands on :30R
2 x 100 swim desc. 1-2 on 1:50/2:00/2:15
100 pull/bands on :30R
100 fast - swim

4 x 50 cooldown
odd: swim, even: kick
(Total: 2600m)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

**Sorry we got a bit behind with posting the last 2 workouts, as things were hectic this week - but here they are!

Wed. Nov. 12/Thurs. Nov. 13
W.U. 4 x 150
1. swim
2. pull
3. swim
4. 50 fist/50 swim

k.set: 4 x 50 as 25 back kick/25 swim

dr. set: 4 x 100 on :20R
odd: 50 FTD/50 swim
even: 50 6k layout/50 swim

M.S. 1000 broken
4 x 25 DPS on:10R
4 x 50 as 25 fist/25 swim on :10R
4 x 75 pull on :15R
4 x 100 swim - descend 1-4 on 1:50/2:00/2:15/:20R

2 x100 cooldown (50 back/50 free)
total: 2400m

Fri. Nov. 14/Sat. Nov. 15

W. U. 300 swim, 200 kick, 100 pull

dr. set: 9 x 75 on :15R
1. 25 back kick, 25 back swim, 25 swim choice
2. 50 6k layout, 25 swim
3. pull (on the 9th 75, make it a 100 pull)

2 x { 4 x 50 as 25 DPS/25 high turnover on 15R
200 swim - build to fast - on 1:00R

cooldown: 3 x 100 - 50 back/50free

total: 2400m

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mon. Nov.10

W. U.
200 swim, 150 pull, 100 kick, 50 drill

stroke/kick set:
10 x 75 on :15R
odd: IM (either fly, back, breast, OR back, breast, free)
even: no board kick (25 R side, 25 L side, 25 back-streamlined)

2 x {
4 x 25 DPS on :30/:40/
2 x 100 swim - build on 1:50/2:00/2:15/:20R
300 pull/bands - ez on 1:00R

100 ez cooldown (total = 2550m)

***Just a reminder that there is no swimming today (Remembrance Day - Nov. 11). You can use the above workout if you are going on your own.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fri. Nov. 7/Sat. Nov. 8

W.U. 300 swim, 100 drill (FTD & SA)
4 x 50 kick
200 pull

stroke set:
4 x 150 on :20R
as: 50 back or breast
50 free swim
50 fly (full stroke or single arm)

800 broken:
as: 300 pull/bands on:30R
2 x 100 kick (25 breast/50 free/25 fly)
4 x 75 as 25 distance per stroke/25 high turn-over/25 optimum stroke count) on :15R

200 ez cooldown (total: 2400m)

Wed. Nov.5/Thur. Nov. 6

W.U. 200 swim
2 x 50 kick
200 pull
200 swim (50 back, 50 fr, 50 breast, 50 fr)

Drill sets:
4-6 x Streamlined push-offs

4 x 75 as 50 drill/25 swim on :15R (drill = 6 k layout)

4 x 50 drill - 6 strokes front, 6 strokes back (modified corkscrew) on :10R

3 x 150 on :15R
as: 50 kickboard touch, 50 swim, 50 kickboard touch

4 x 50 swim - build on 1:00/1:10/1:20
200 pull - ez on :30R
2 x 100 swim - negative split on 1:50/2:00/2:15/

2 x 75 cooldown (50 back or breast, 25 free)

***This workout was a technique-based workout and mainly focused on drills and skills

Monday, November 3, 2008

Mon. Nov. 3/Tues. Nov. 4

W. U. 400/600 SKPD
drill = choice

M.S. 3 x 500
1. pull/bands (paddles optional), ez on :30R
2. 5 x 100 swim desc. 1-5, on 1:50/2:00/2:15/or :20R
3. swim, easy pace - controlled breathing, 3, 5, 3, 7 or 3, 5, 3, 5

Bands: 4 x 50 band only swim on :15R

200 ez
(total = 2400m)

**By the way, excellent job to all those who participated in the time trial! We are seeing some fast swimming already and it is only the first one!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

800 Time Trial Thurs/Friday

Hi, the Thursday night practice and Friday morning practice will include an 800m Time Trial.  This will be a great opportunity to see where you guys are at this early in the year.   In all likelihood this will actually be easier than most of the practices you guys have been doing so don't be afraid to come out and see what you're capable of.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday/Tues Oct 27th/28th

300swim (choice)
4x50kick (25 hard/25easy)

Stroke Set:
8x25 (odd: Distance per stroke, even: fast turnover) :15sec rest

Main Set:
4x100m (descend 1-4)  :15sec rest

1 minute rest between sets

6x50 (25 free, 25 no free)



Stroke Set:
8x50  :15 sec
even: breast/free  (25 of each)
odd: fly back

Main Set:
2x600 broken as:

2x75 (50 one arm, 25swim) :15sec
150pull :30sec
300swim (build)

1 min rest between sets

200swim easy


200 swimchoice

6/8 x 50 drill (25 drill/25 swim)
even: fingertip
odd: fist

Main Set:
8x25 pull/paddles (1. easy, 2. every second one fast- all out) :10 sec rest
200 swim- fast for time (immediately after pull) 

after finishing the top set twice do:
2/3 x 200pull/paddles (easy/build) :20 sec rest

Cool down:
4x50 (25 back/25 free)

Wed Oct 22


8x75 on 15sec rest
odd: 50 drill (fist or fingertip)/ 25 back-kick
even: 25 no free/ 25 free

Main Set:

4x50 band only :15 sec
300/400swim (negative split) on :30 sec
4x50 swim (3easy, last one fast) on :15sec
400 pull on :30 sec
4x50 swim (2 easy, 2 fast) :15 sec
400 swim negative split

4x50m (half free, half no free)

Saturday Oct. 18/Monday Oct 20

W.U. 300 swim, 200 pull, 4 x 25 scull (out in front)

Fins: 10 x 75 on :15R
odd: 25 fly kick/25 free kick/25 free or fly swim
even: 25 swim choice/50 kick choice

M.S. 100 pull/bands on :20R
100 swim- strong on 1:50/2:00/2:15/2:30
200 pull/bands on :30R
2 x 100 swim - strong on :30R
300 pull/bands on :30R
3 x 100 swim - strong on 1:50/2:00/2:15/2:30

cooldown: 150 ez (total = 2700m)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Coaches away

Just a reminder that Geoff and I will be away from Thurs. Oct. 23 - Mon. Oct. 27. We will be in Arizona for a race. I will be back to coach on Tues. Oct. 28 (pm swim), and Geoff will be there on Wed. Oct. 29 (am swim). Workouts will be posted on the board (any volunteers to do this?) for the practices during this time, and the workouts will also be available on the blog.

Just out of curiosity I would like to know how many people are actually getting use out of this blog. If you are regularly visiting the STARRT blog, post a quick comment in the comments section below this update so I know who you are and who to get after for not using it!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


200 swim- choice
2x100 (50fist- 50swim)

Kick Set:
3x150  (50 free, 50 choice, 50 free)  :20 sec

Main Set:
200pull  :30sec rest
4x50  25back/25free  :15sec
200neg split  :30 sec
4x100 IM on :20sec
4x50 descend :15 sec

150 choice

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tues/Wed Oct.22


8x75 on 15sec rest
odd: 50 drill (fist or fingertip)/ 25 back-kick
even: 25 no free/ 25 free

Main Set:

4x50 band only :15 sec
300/400swim (negative split) on :30 sec
4x50 swim (3easy, last one fast) on :15sec
400 pull on :30 sec
4x50 swim (2 easy, 2 fast) :15 sec
400 swim negative split

4x50m (half free, half no free

Tues/Wed Oct.22


8x75 on 15sec rest
odd: 50 drill (fist or fingertip)/ 25 back-kick
even: 25 no free/ 25 free

Main Set:

4x50 band only :15 sec
300/400swim (negative split) on :30 sec
4x50 swim (3easy, last one fast) on :15sec
400 pull on :30 sec
4x50 swim (2 easy, 2 fast) :15 sec
400 swim negative split

4x50m (half free, half no free

Tues/Wed Oct.22


8x75 on 15sec rest
odd: 50 drill (fist or fingertip)/ 25 back-kick
even: 25 no free/ 25 free

Main Set:

4x50 band only :15 sec
300/400swim (negative split) on :30 sec
4x50 swim (3easy, last one fast) on :15sec
400 pull on :30 sec
4x50 swim (2 easy, 2 fast) :15 sec
400 swim negative split

4x50m (half free, half no free

Tues Oct. 14/Wed Oct 15

W.U. 300 S, K, D (drill = choice)

8 x 50 on 1:00/1:10/1:20
as 25 DPS/25 swim (DPS = distance per stroke) - count your strokes!

M.S. 3 x 400 on :30R
odd: pull/band - no paddles (controlled breathing: 4, 5 by 25)
even: swim

4 x 100 swim desc. 1 to 4 on 1:50/2:00/2:15

200 ez cooldown (include some back, breast, and single arm fly)
Total = 2500m

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Monday workout

For those who want to do a workout on monday- especially the morning group- I've posted a workout below.  It is repeat of one we did about three weeks ago, run through it again as it is a good strength builder and includes a maintaining a harder pace this time around.

200swim- choice
100swim- choice

3x150  (50 one arm, 100swim)  :20 sec rest

Main set:
4x400 broken (:45sec between sets)

1. 4x50 swim :15 sec (descend 1-4), 200pull
2. 4x50 pull:15 sec (1. hard 2. fast), 200swim negative split
3. 4x100 : 20sec (descend 1-4)
4. 400 pull (negative split)

50 back, 50free, 50breast, 50 free

Friday, October 10, 2008


200 swim (choice)

Stroke Set: (30sec between sets)
4x75 IM :15sec
4x75 swim :15sec
4x75 pull :15sec
4x75 swim :15sec

Main Set:
300swim (gradual build) :30sec
200 negative split :30sec
100 fast :30sec
4x50 all out (1:00/1:10/1:20)

4x50 easy swim


150swim- choice
4x50 kick (easy, fast)
150 pull

Drill Set
4x150 drill (50 one arm, 50swim, 25 armpit, 25 swim) :20sec

Main Set
2x (1min between sets)
300pull :30 sec
3x100 strong/pace :20sec

cool down
2x100 (50 no free, 50 free)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday Oct. 6/Tues. Oct. 7

W.U. 200 swim, 50 k, 150 pull, 100 drill

K.Set: 4 x 150 on :20R
as: 50 fly or breast kick, 50 free kick, 50 choice swim

Band only set (Sink or Swim drill):
4 x 25 on :20R (Band around your ankles)
- no legs, legs = cheating!

M.S. 300 pull/band on :30R (paddles optional)
4 x 25 band only on :20R
300 swim on :30R (focus on high elbow catch)
4 x 25 band only on :20R
300 pull/band (paddles optional)


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Friday/Saturady - October3rd/4th

4x100  swim, kick, swim, pull
4x50, kick  (1st easy, 2nd hard...) on :15-20sec
4x50drill  (25 fist, 25 swim) on :15-20 sec

Main Set: 
30 x50, as:

1. 6x50  (alternate:  1. 50 drill-one arm, 2. 50 swim...) on :15 sec
2. 6x50 pull/paddles (every 3rd one fast) on :20 sec
3. 6x50 (alternate:  1. easy/steady pace, 2. fast pace!!- make each one count) on :25sec rest
4. 6x50 pull/paddles (every 2nd one fast) on :20 sec
5. 6x50 (descend: 1st two moderate/easy, 2nd two steady/hard, 3rd two hard/fast) on :15 sec

3x100  (50 no free, 50 free)


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wed/Thursday, October 1st

300 swim choice
100 kick
200 pull

Drill Set:

8x50 (25 drill, 25 swim)  :15 sec rest
odd: 6 kick layout drill
even: fingertip drill

Main set: 
4x 200 broken as: 
2x50 (first 25 hard, second 25 easy) :15 sec rest
100 hard pace (approx. :30 sec rest then repeat from beginning)


6x50  (25 no free, 25 free)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


1. swim, 2. drill, 3pull, 4. swim
20-30sec rest

4x100 drill  :20sec rest
50 drill, 50swim
(even fingertip, odd 6 kick layout)

kick set:
2x (4x50) :15 sec rest
1. 25 hard, 25 easy  2. 25easy, 25hard
3. 50hard    4. 50 easy

main set:
4x25 distance per stroke :10sec
4x50 25 drill fist, 25 swim  :15 sec
4x75  pull/paddles
4x100 descend 1-4

150-200 cooldown

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sept. 19

Happy Birthday to Geoff - he turns 29 today!!

Friday/ Saturday, Sept. 19th

200 swim
4x50kick, odd free, even no free, on :15 sec
2x 100 drill, as 50 swim, 50 drill, on :15 sec

Stroke Set:
10x50 :15-20sec
1. 25fly/25backstroke
2. 25breatstroke/25free

Do fly drill as alternate for fly if needed

Main Set:
100 pull/paddles (:15-20secsec), 2x 50 swim (odd easy, even fast) on :15sec
150pull/paddles (:15-20sec), 3x50swim (same as above)
200pull/paddles (:15-20sec), 4x50 swim
(1min rest) 200/400 negative split

200/300 swimchoice cooldown

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


200swim, 100kick, 200pull, 4x50 drill (armpit)

Kick set:
6x100m on 15sec rest as:

25kick easy, 25kick hard, 50 swim

Main Set:
4x300 on 30 sec rest
1. 50 fist drill, 100 swim, 150 neg split
2. 150 fist drill, 50 swim, 100 neg split
3. 100 fist drill, 150swim, 50 neg split
4. 150 pull, 150 swimchoice ( cool down)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday/Tuesday swim workout

W.U. 300 swim
100 drill (6k layout)
4 x 50 kick (25 br/25 free) on :10R
200 pull

stroke set: 4 x 150 on :20R
as: 25 one arm fly/25 fly swim, 50 back swim, 50 free swim

M.S. 800 broken
as: 300 pull on :30R
2 x 100 kick - no board - as 25 back/25 choice on :15R
4 x 75 swim on :15R (as 25 distance per strok/25 high turnover - spin/
25 optimum stroke count)

200-400 ez cool down (2400-2600m)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday/Saturday workout

W.U. 200 swim, 100 drill, 150 pull, 50 scull

M.S. 2 x 1000 broken
as: 400 swim, breathe 3,5,3,7 continuously - on :30R
6 x 50 kick as 25 Fast/25 ez on :10R
3 x 100 swim on :20R, as 25 free, 25 back, 25 free, 25 breast

100 ez (total 2600m)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reminder - GWN

If you are planning on registering for the Great White North 1/2 Iron for 2009, this is a reminder that registration opens up at midnight on Sept. 15. This race typically sells out in a day or two, so register early!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wednesday/Thursday workout

W.U. 200 swim
4 x 50 kick on :15R
200 pull

drill set: 4 x 100 on :20R
50 drill/50 swim
odd: single arm even: FTD/catch-up

2X { 8 x 25 (odd - fast turnover, even - stroke count) on :15R
4 x 50 (odd - ez, even - hard)
200 swim - negative split on :20R
100 pull - ez

100-200 ez (total 2500m)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Good swimming article

Here is a useful swimming article:

The benefits of practicing kick are outlined in the article. This is why we will be doing a lot of regular kick sets in practice (groan, groan)!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Monday/Tuesday workout

W.U. 200 swim
4 x 50 kick on :10R
200 pull
4 x 50 drill on :10R (2 catch-up, 2 single arm)

4 x 100 on :15R
as 25 ez/50 fast/25 ez
Odd: free Even: no free

M.S. 2 x 700 broken
as: 4 x 25 drill on :10R
3 x 200 swim, descend 1-3 (fairly ez/smooth) on 3:45/4:00/4:15/4:30
drill = armpit touch (1st set), single arm (2nd set)

100 ez (total 2700m)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday's workout - on your own

W.U. 400 mixer

M.S. 2 x 1000 broken
as: 4 x 100 - 25 drill/25 swim on :15R
drills = FTD and single arm
2 x 200 swim on :20R (long, smooth, low intensity)
4 x 50 swim - distance per stroke (count strokes) on 1:00/1:10/1:20/1:30

100-200 ez cooldown (total 2600m)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thurs/Friday swim workout

W.U. 20o swim

4 x 50 as 25 drill/25 swim (drill - single arm) on :10R

K. Set

4 x 100 on :15R - no board

as: 25 Right side, 25 Left side, 50 swim


2 x { 6 x 50 pull/band on 1:00/1:10/1:20 - every 3rd one fast

200 swim smooth on :30R

dr. Set

3 x 150 on :15R

as 50 drill/50 swim/50 drill [drill = catch-up/FTD combined]

150 ez (total: 2400m)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Welcome to the STARRT swim blog!

Please check here often for swim workouts, training and racing tips/information, and to post your own comments or suggestions. We will be posting each workout in case you miss one, and we will also be including additional longer distance workouts for those of you training for Ironman and Half Ironman races.


September 3rd: Tuesday/Wednesday Practice

200/300 swim
100 drill- Fingertip
4x50 kick- on 10 sec rest (25free, 25breast)
100/200 pull

Drill Set
8x75m on 15sec rest
as: odds- 50 drill/25 swim (armpit touch)
evens- 25 drill/50swim (armpit touch and catchup)

Main Set
2x400m broken
as: 200 pull, 20 sec rest, 2 x50 kick- (25 easy, 25 hard) on 10 sec rest, 100 swim

1 minute rest in between sets

Cooldown: 200 m choice